Friday, 5 July 2013

Pleasing in Your sight

In the world it's all about success, money and happiness - and how we can attain it. We are ever striving to be successful in ourselves, to make lots money, and to have comfortable and happy lifestyles. I've recently been challenged whilst reading a book by David Platt called 'Radical' which really made me think that-

1. We shouldn't strive to be successful IF what we strive to be successful in is not pleasing in God's sight;

2. We shouldn't strive to earn lots of money IF the way we earn money doesn't please God and if the way we spend it does not please God;

3. We shouldn't chase happiness IF what gives us that happiness is not pleasing to the Lord. True joy comes from the Lord regardless of circumstances.

As the Psalmist sings in Psalm 19:14 ~ May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in the sight of the Lord.

Whatever pleases the Lord is what we should strive for.